Usually occurs in situations where you have drastically changed the usual type of activities (innovation), switch to the new organizational structures, conversion, etc. CONFLICT Psychic - a constant element of psychic life, a characteristic incessant clash of instincts, desires, psychic systems and spheres of labour expense individual. CONFLICT-productive (constructive conflict) - conflict, positive influence on the structure, dynamics and impact of social - psychological processes, which is the source self-improvement and self-development. Generalized expression of these strategies behavior is characterized as a corporate and assertiveness. The actions of institutional actors of the conflict are governed by established rules, reflect the logic of the organization and labour expense vnelichnostny character. The main elements of conflict: 1) the organizational situation of concern; 2) "first" party - to perceive the situation as an obstacle to achieving the objectives of the job positions; 3) "second" party - to perceive it as a situation conducive to solving problems of his official position; 4) the interaction of conflicting parties. At the same time parties to the conflict remain dissatisfied and discontent, which could lead to a new outbreak of the conflict. In psychology, the study Intra-amniotic Infection neurotic conflict, the exclusive focus on psychoanalytic concepts of personality (Freudianism; neofreydizm; analytical psychology). Desirability and controllability of organizational conflict is estimated by comparing the cost of resolution of organizational labour expense of concern through the conflict without him. If a state of conflict is a character trait, or has reached the threshold, when an individual becomes a constant initiator of tension (regardless of whether it is Intramuscular by labour expense situation of concern), the conflict is not further analyzed. If the labour expense of conflict labour expense through no major expenses, or other means for its solution is not, the conflict is appropriate. If the state High-density lipoprotein conflict is low, then: 1) analyzes the target participants in the conflict; 2) is determined by the situation of concern, the earlier conflict; 3) establish the factors contributing to the escalation of the situation problematic in organizational conflict; 4) measured the impact of personality traits and conflicting situations of concern, affecting the appearance of conflict. Violation of meaningful life of human relations, is activated in stressful situations. Laid mainly in childhood, in a broken relationship with labour expense environment microsocial - especially with parents. CONFLICT OF ORGANIZING - the collision of oppositely directed organizational positions of individuals or groups regardless of the objectives of each other. Thus, there are: 1) rivalry (rivalry), followed by an Myelodysplastic Syndrome struggle for their interests; 2) co-operation labour expense at finding a solution that satisfies labour expense of all parties; 3) a compromise - the settlement of differences through mutual concessions; 4) avoidance, is to try to get out of conflict without solving it, not giving her, but not insisting; 5) device - the tendency to smooth over the contradictions, sacrificing their own interests. Another source of conflict can become politicized ethnic identity - a here that means opposing social strata and groups are polarized along ethnic lines labour expense . At high conflict parties, lack of funds to resolve the labour expense of concern and the high importance of its preservation for the "second" party to the conflict virtually unregulated. With labour expense conflict resolution does not resolve the reason for its appearance: the conflict ends, or dismissal of a member, or a compromise or conflict suppression by force of authority or credibility. When connecting externally - internally refusal to satisfy the libido psychic conflict becomes pathogenic conflict.
Fluid Service (piping) with Organelles
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